CODES 101.

BTB.E. community codes are designed to anonymously identify the position, geography, and ORV of each club member. Once an adventurer stakes their claim to digits, they never lose them. Codes will only expand as the components evolve, preserving the unique lineage of each membership.


Codes are composed of a series of numbers and letters that identify each unique individual. The format is as such:


Example Code: 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3


GlobalPosition ~ 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3

Membership position relative to all other club members on a global scale.

RegionalPosition ~ 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3

Membership position relative to all other club members within that particular region.

NOTE: Since the club was established at the founding coordinates in Region 1, there originally wasn’t a need for both global and regional positions, as they were one in the same. When member #9 joined from Region 3, that changed the code format, and consequently defined BTB.E.’s Founding Members; members #1 through #8. The first 8 members are unique in that they joined the club prior to anyone outside of parent Region 1. As for member #9, they became the Founding Member of Region 3.

FirstLast ~ 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3

Member’s First and Last name initials.

BaseRegion ~ 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3

Region where member currently resides. If member moves from one region to another, the original region number remains intact and the new region is added to the code, preserving the geographic lineage of the membership.

EXAMPLE: If member 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3 moves from Region 1 to Region 3 and they are the 2nd member of Region 3, their code evolves to 12.10.2.TL.1.3.J.JL.3

Make.Model ~ 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3

ORV Make & Model, listed in order of introduction to the club, and classified as Primary or Secondary.

Primary Make & Model is denoted in CAPS and identifies the ORV that predominantly participates in club excursions.

Secondary ORVs are denoted in lower-case and identify additional and/or previously owned ORVs. An ORV that was sold prior to joining the club is excluded from the code sequence.

EXAMPLE: If member 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3 sells their JK and now owns a JL, their code evolves to 12.10.TL.1.J.jk.JL.3

#Events ~ 12.10.TL.1.J.JK.3

Number of planned BTB.E. off-road excursions the member has attended. Although attending a planned event is not required, in order to receive a value greater than 0, the member is required to attend an off-road excursion with the club. To receive the BTB.E. shield mag-plate they need to join the club here in the Midwest for one of our planned outings, or simply document getting out into the wild in their own region and share it with the club.
