⚡️A few have asked why there’s two styles of membership mag plates ~ one with a Ferruginous Hawk inside a circle, and another that’s a shield version. I designed the circle edition in 2021 to signify the idea of bursting through the bubble, which is what the hawk in flight is attempting to do. This version pays homage to the spirit of the club and what it’s all about. Any individual who’s the outdoorsy-type and makes their way off the grid from time-to-time can become a member and receive one. I designed the shield version when the club was originally established in 2019. Not everyone gets one of these. It signifies those who have actually attended a BTBE off-road event or have seriously used their ORV off-roading and it’s been documented on Instagram. Basically, if you see the shield affixed to a rig, they’ve walked the talk. Hope this clears everything up as to what the difference is between the two! And hope you can join us on October 24th and graduate into your own shield mag plate! 🤟